Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ringing in the New Year with a bang!

Don't let the title fool you. We actually slept through midnight. I think Cody and I feel asleep around 10 pm. When we woke up we had 7 text messages from our family and friends who have a much more exciting life wishing us Happy New Year's!

We did, however, get some great news today at our perinatalagy appt. No more coming back. Unless we start having problems. Cervix is still 28-32 mm. Contractions are under control with the Procardia and I'm at 27 weeks. So things are looking really, really good! My prediction is she'll make her grand entrance in about 8-10 weeks. It seems so surreal. Just yesterday (really 8 weeks ago) I just wanted to know the sex of my baby. And then through a whirlwind of events, we are here now. It seems so far away but yet right around the corner!

My grandma called me a few weeks ago to check on me. She is what I call a charismatic Catholic. She has some extra channel to God and has faith like no one else I know. Human doubt is not in this woman's nature. And she is a prayer warrior. Whenever anyone needs prayer, it's "call Grandma Rita". She never acts surprised whenever prayers are answered. When I told her my progress and that my cervix actaully thickened (despite what science said would happen), she just asked "And do you know who did that?". I told her "God, of course!". It's because of her prayers and everyone else's prayers that we have made it this far. Everyone's faith gets tested every now and then. And I think we can safely say ours had been tested alot, lately.

Our journey is not over. It's only just begun. And anyone who's raised girls tells us that we have no clue what's in store for us. Just continue to keep us in your prayers and I will be updating my blog every week or so. Just know that we are so appreciative to everyone for all your support you have given us, in one form or another. God is so good!

1 comment:

  1. YAY GOD!!!!!

    This is awesome news!

    Happy New Year Michelle!

    Prayers remain!
