Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Nesting isn't for the birds!

"They" say a pregnant woman's urge to nest is real and something not to be reckoned with. I must say I agree. I know I'm still 6-8 weeks away from my goal of keeping Faith in till 35-37 weeks but I am wanting to do everything to the house but replace the kitchen sink. It's like all those little skuff marks that have been on my base boards for more than 2 years all the sudden appeared in the last week and the kids precious little greasy hand marks along the hallway are just now jumping out at me in 3-D. Poor Cody has had to endure list after list and conversation after conversation about the things that have to get done before Faith arrives. And to add insult to injury I can't exactly just hop up and crack-clean when I feel the urge coming on. So it will be an interesting time in the Haddan household these next 2 months. I do have my mom who is good at directing and keeping you focused when doing cleaning-up projects. And a dad who's an excellent handy man and who can help direct and supervise Cody when it comes to all the handy work that needs to be done around the house.

As for me and Faith, we are doing well. No real problems for the last 2 weeks with the exception of last night. I've been feeling a little under the weather (aches, headache, super tired) for the past few days and have tried to take it easy. Last night I started to notice some mild uterine cramping that was tolerable but pretty constant. So I called my doctor's office. All I wanted to do was just get permission to take an extra Procardia pill to see if that would help. But I was instructed to go into L&D to get checked given my history. So off to the hospital we went. While I was there I was checked for a UTI and had another fetal fibronectin test done. The doctor also checked to see if I was dialating. Cervix was closed but it was softened. I was also having some real mild cramping that you could see on the monitor but Faith looked great. I was running a low grade temp. Despite all that the tests came back negative. It looked like maybe my body is just fighting off a bug and I need to stay hydrated and lots of rest. So that is what I've been trying to do today. A lot easier said then done!


  1. Michelle - praying over you and Faith!

    Trusting God to bring her right on TIME!


  2. Michelle, sounds like things are going well! I'm so happy for you! You and Faith will continue in my thoughts and prayers.

    God is good, trust in Him with everything!

